Quality assurance system

The Spermatology Laboratory, being a model unit of laboratory diagnosis for male infertility, is governed by the principles of an internationally acknowledged and strict Quality System, which includes:

  • The adoption of a standardized application of internationally accepted methodologies and criteria
  • The systematic participation of the scientific personnel in training programs in view of acquiring high-level expertise
  • The integration into laboratory practice of internal and external quality control programs in view of optimizing the accuracy and repeatability of the results

The organized planning of services provided, as well as the coordination and monitoring of all supporting procedures to the Laboratory’s operation, ensure that patients as well as associate doctors,are provided with assurance and high quality throughout the spectrum of processes performed by the Laboratory.

The G. Lymperopoulos Spermatology Laboratory participates in the External Quality Control and Quality Assurance program, which is managed by the Andrology Laboratory of Karolinska University Hospital, under the auspices of ESHRE – SIGA (European Society of Human Reproduction – Special Interest Group in Andrology), thus performing laboratory procedures in compliance with the standards of internationally acknowledged laboratories (Karolinska University – Sweden & Cleveland Clinic – USA),

Regarding the Sperm Morphology Examination in particular, the Laboratory is a member of the External Quality Control program, under the supervision of Kruger and Franken (Tygerberg – South Africa).

Additionally, the laboratory personnel participates in continuous training programs, aiming to the improvement of their abilities and the coordination of team collaboration.

The implementation of a strict Internal Quality Control and Quality Assurance program, ensures statistical convergence of the measurements carried out by the laboratory scientists. All individual procedures are performed in the same way and with equal precision by all laboratory associates, without exception.

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