Bodybuilding and Male Infertility.

According to recent data, during the last decade there was an increase in the use of substances and drugs, both by professional athletes as for amateurs, with the aim of improving performance, reducing the physical fat and increasing muscle mass. This category of substances includes anabolic steroids such as testosterone and its synthetic derivatives, creatine and the protein powder. But is everything so innocent? How does all this affect men's clothing? fertility and erection?


Anabolic stereoids

  • Taking testosterone and synthetic derivatives inhibits secretion hormones responsible for sperm production (LH and FSH).
  • Correlation with the phenomenon of hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism, which causes decreased testosterone concentration.
  • Libido loss and erectile dysfunction
  • The intake has a negative effect on the basic sperm parameters (number, sperm motility and morphology) and is frequently induced oligoasthenozoospermia or even azoospermia.


  • It is the most widespread ergogenic substance with positive effects in sports performance.
  • Increases muscle mass and strength over time due to increased ATP production.
  • There are contraindications mainly related to the cardiovascular system, while limited research has been done regarding male fertility after long-term use.


  • Whey protein can be powdered and added to foods or beverages to enhance protein absorption and benefit muscle growth, weight loss, or athletic performance.
  • lthough studies have not shown a negative correlation between the use of protein supplements and sperm quality there is a clear need for additional evidence and research due to the widespread use of protein supplements in the population.
  • However, not all powders and supplements are created to all specifications as they are not FDA controlled or tested for safety and effectiveness.

Therefore, for the use of any supplement it is considered necessary to consult a specialist as there may be adverse effects on reproductive health. In particular, patients undergoing fertility treatments are important to communicate this to their physicians.

So many times, the outward appearance and the professional sports are not what they seem. A muscular body does not necessarily mean healthy. It is therefore considered necessary to be properly and completely informed before each use of a substance.


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